Look around you and choose an object in the room. Now write something from the point of view of that object.
Hey lady, over here... It's me, Christmas Tree. I know it’s January 5th, and traditionally, the holidays are over, but why would you want to take me down and pack me up for another year? Let’s be honest here- I am a stunner, not to mention for the past five weeks, I have lit up your evenings with some of the happiest memories of your life. How about those handmade clay ornaments from little Christi, or King Henry the VIII from your visit to the Tower of London with Mark? Now there were some good times! Besides, I know you always get lost in Christmas' past staring at the three little Waterford crystal ornaments, each one commemorating the birth of each grandchild. Weren’t those days the best? Santa... and wonder...and snuggles, shining brighter than me. And, don't I just remind you of a Holy birth a few thousand years ago that literally, saved you? In fact everything on me is a reminder of the love and joy in your life. Who doesn’t like joy? Please don’t take me down! Arrghhh.... oh, no! She’s removed the precious hot air balloon ornament. I’m a goner! Geesh... You human beings are a puzzle! Why wouldn’t you keep those things that make you smile front and center, all the time? Ugh, people! I’m glad I’m a Christmas tree.