The answer to this question is like winning the lottery and finding the pot of gold at the end of a brilliant, neon rainbow, gift wrapped in all of the fruits of the spirit.
Not to tell our Creator how to do His job, but, if we arrived fresh from our momma's wombs clutching our mission statement in our tiny baby fists, it might make life a whole lot less painful and complicated. Who knows, maybe God whispers it into our sweet baby ears right before birth, and, that's why we arrive screaming our little heads off. Then, amnesia sets in.
Perhaps, what you don't know doesn't hurt you is a better way to start out. Innocent to the ways of the world, and excited by its wonder and beauty. Little ones, so fresh from heaven believe they are here to explore, play, love their friends, and live in joy - the world is their custom made playground. Maybe they've answered the question.
At this stage of my life, I think not knowing why we are here, is the purpose of us being here. We have this heavenly, loving Creator who releases us into the world and gives us free will: that is after He plants the seed of His spirit inside us, which contains all the knowledge we'll ever need. We must choose to access it. It's the gift that just keeps on giving. Some of us more stubborn souls spend years being too proud, or trying to figure things out on our own, rather than availing ourselves of the relationship.
There are a few billion paths we can take. Starting down one, we backtrack and turn down another. If you're like me, many times over, only to discover we're stuck in a maze and we've already been here before! But, this is what makes life so delicious; the stops along the way and mining for treasures buried into the most painful parts of the journey.
Why am I here? I am here to authentically be who I am, persistently cultivate and fearlessly sow my unique talents, with one single, pure intention. I am here to leave the world and other souls I meet along the way, just a millisecond better off for having known me.
The answer to this question is like winning the lottery and finding the pot of gold at the end of a brilliant, neon rainbow, gift wrapped in all of the fruits of the spirit.
Not to tell our Creator how to do His job, but, if we arrived fresh from our momma's wombs clutching our mission statement in our tiny baby fists, it might make life a whole lot less painful and complicated. Who knows, maybe God whispers it into our sweet baby ears right before birth, and, that's why we arrive screaming our little heads off. Then, amnesia sets in.
Perhaps, what you don't know doesn't hurt you is a better way to start out. Innocent to the ways of the world, and excited by its wonder and beauty. Little ones, so fresh from heaven believe they are here to explore, play, love their friends, and live in joy - the world is their custom made playground. Maybe they've answered the question.
At this stage of my life, I think not knowing why we are here, is the purpose of us being here. We have this heavenly, loving Creator who releases us into the world and gives us free will: that is after He plants the seed of His spirit inside us, which contains all the knowledge we'll ever need. We must choose to access it. It's the gift that just keeps on giving. Some of us more stubborn souls spend years being too proud, or trying to figure things out on our own, rather than availing ourselves of the relationship.
There are a few billion paths we can take. Starting down one, we backtrack and turn down another. If you're like me, many times over, only to discover we're stuck in a maze and we've already been here before! But, this is what makes life so delicious; the stops along the way and mining for treasures buried into the most painful parts of the journey.
Why am I here? I am here to authentically be who I am, persistently cultivate and fearlessly sow my unique talents, with one single, pure intention. I am here to leave the world and other souls I meet along the way, just a millisecond better off for having known me.
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