I have an affinity for sunsets. Honestly, maybe it's because I've never really been a morning person and haven't witnessed as many sunrises. Or, in a more romantic vein, I like to think of them as playing a major role in my personal redemption story.
Sunsets are a visceral experience for me. I've been driving in my car only to catch a glimpse of a fire red sky dabbed with blue. If I am on a country road I almost always pull off to the side and get out knowing I am witnessing just a tiny gallery of God's finest works, and remembering a time thirty years ago, when I realized, I too was one of those works.

Ten years ago I spent the summer in Italy and France. Many hours we trekked through museums and churches chock full of beautiful Art created by the Masters; DaVinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Raphael, Cezanne, Matisse and Monet. Inevitably, the Art that took my breath away most evenings, was the painted sky, tucking itself into bed in the cliffs of Positano, Italy; or gently slipping into the lingerie of turquoise blue waves of the Mediterranean In Nice, France. Not to ever diminish Claude Monet's massive Water Lily canvases (one of my favorites) I am convinced sunsets in Europe must have been one of the muses for the artists who created the timeless paintings hanging in the Uffizi and the Louvre.
Sunsets are the dessert savored in gratitude for another day of life.
As I am aging, I am becoming more of a morning person - bedtimes come earlier and I rise with the sun. Maybe sunrises will become my reminder at the start of my day; someone bigger than me has got my back.
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